Written by Julie Buchholtz
Illustrations by Aliya Ghare
Who Am I?
Mama’s Song
On your journey, my little one-
Let our sacred teachings guide you.
Walk the footsteps of our ancestors
and you will live the good life.
“Julie, the world needs your stories.”
-Angeline Boulley
Julie Buchholtz’s inaugural book, Who Am I, was selected as the 2021 Grand Prize winner of Cherry Lake Publishing's Own Voices/Own Stories Contest and was released on July 15, 2023. This contest aims to promote new authors from historically marginalized groups while recognizing diversity in literature. Written from an Indigenous perspective, Who Am I tells the story of a little brown-skinned girl who asks her Big Brown Mama, who am I? Big Mama explains her girls connection to the plants, animals, and organisms—to Mother Earth. In the end, the little girl realizes her significance, understanding that she is not so little after all. You can learn more about the contest or order a copy of your own by clicking on the link below. Who Am I can also be found on a variety of platforms including Sleeping Bear Press, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and your local bookstore.
Miigwech (Thank you)
“I like that there is
a brown person in the story
because I am brown.”
-Caroline, age 6
“ALL children deserve
to see themselves
in the stories that they read.”
-Julie Buchholtz
Where can I purchase
my copy of
Who Am I?
I live in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan with my husband, Larry, and canine companions. We are officially “empty nesters.”
I earned my Bachelor’s degree in Education as well as my Master’s degree from Central Michigan University. I am a proud member of the Bay Mills Tribe of Chippewa Indians.
I have been in the field of education in
some form or another for much of my
career. I currently work for Lake Superior State University.
In my free time, I enjoy walking the shores of Lake Superior, making jewelry from items I find along the beach, reading, writing, eating a really good dessert, and practicing yoga.
Thank you for stopping by my website.
My home, my happy place
“A literary celebration that should grace every child’s bookselves.”
-Sue Harrison-
International Bestselling Author of
Mother Earth, Father Sky &
The Midwife’s Touch
Upcoming Book Events
Children’s Nature Playscape
October 12th
Kalamazoo, MI
10 a.m.- 2 p.m.
Marion Public Schools
October 22nd
Marion, MI
All Day
October 18-19th
Escanaba, MI
3-8p.m./10-5 p.m.
Christmas Bazaar
November 2nd
Brimley, MI
10-3 p.m.
“I like that there is a brown girl.
I could see me in the brown girl.
I really liked the pictures, especially
the river. There aren’t a lot of
Indigenous girls in books.”
-Georgia, age 7
From the time I was a child, I’ve always enjoyed reading and writing. I began writing a bit more when my kids were little to entertain them with stories. I have multiple stories started but not quite finished. “Who Am I?” is my first published book.
I incorporate bits of fiction and nonfiction into my writing. “Who Am I?” was inspired by my native heritage. I also like to people watch and find humor in every day life. Better be careful, I may write you into my next story! :)
One of my favorite things to do is walk along the shores of Lake Superior with my loved ones. I never leave the beach empty handed, often times picking up beach glass, stones, rocks, and driftwood. I like to make jewelry from these items and I have a side gig called, “Superior Imperfections.”
https://www.facebook.com/superiorimperfectionsI also enjoy reading, writing, practicing yoga, eating good food, and visiting with family and friends.
I am the co-host of a podcast called “Disruption Junction” broadcasted through the Michigan Association of Public School Academies.
I have been involved in education for much of my life and currently work for a university located in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Writing is one of my hobbies. I have to pay the bills! ha-ha
Make writing a priority and squeeze in time each week to do so. Write about things that are important to you. Be persistent. You may receive a hundred “no’s” but all you need is one “yes.”

“Who am I? asked the
brown skinned girl.”
“You are the moon that glows,
waxing and waning,
marking the passage of time.”
Questions or comments or perhaps you’d like to schedule an author visit?
Conducting readings or giving presentations serve as fuel for my heart and soul.
I look forward to hearing from you. - Julie